
Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Prayer

New Years Prayer:
Lord, as this New Year opens before us: Teach us how to love more fully. May our hearts walk more humbly, may our lives be yours more completely, may our passion for You be ignited more strongly, may our hope be more placed in You, may our fears be less strong, may we cease to believe lies, may we put others before ourselves, may we follow you no matter the course, may we find our joy in You, may we be less selfish, may we worship more freely, may we serve more willingly, may we share more easily, may we study more thoroughly, may we pray more without ceasing, may we forsake the worlds offers, and may we become more holy, and become more filled more with Your Holy Spirit. This year Lord, May we become more yours, and less full of of pride…Lord, this year may we become more like You.
For over every self centered resolution we may have, and over every hope for the accomplishments ahead, may we instead desire most deeply to be more like You.
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May we be like the clay in Your hands. As the wheel of time turns, as the seasons change, as we grow, may we follow your creativity for our lives. May we desire Your will for us, more than our own will or way. You are the Master Artist. We seem to forget that sometimes. We get to busy, and so caught up in what we 'want' to accomplish, or what we 'need' to accomplish that we forget that the most important thing is what 'You' create in us, 'You' do through us, and the plans you intend for us and our lives. We think about the new year, we think about all the things we 'desire' in the new year, and what 'we' did or didn't accomplish in the past year. But really, time on earth is all about what God does. The whole story revolves around Him. We think it revolves around us. We think we are the Master Artists of our ("big") little worlds, and that what makes a year, what makes a life, is ourselves...but it's not true. What good is my life if it isn't surrendered to the Christ? Sometimes I only wish I felt more, I believed stronger, and didn't do the failing human thing to do, and that is let me pride or 'self focus' blur my vision or passion for Messiah. I only know, that I am nothing without the Lord. I have never been, and never will be. The best in life, He has created, and the best in me 'He' has created. Choice is the only power that I possess; and the choice is whether I will surrender more, and let faith be cultivated more. New Year is when people think about the changes they want to make in their lives. We should be doing this everyday, but most of us don't. You only have one life. Now is a good time to ask yourself what kind of life you are leading, and how much God is a part of it. Your 'art' reflects what inspires your heart, and what possesses it. What does your art reflect? The world? doubt? indecision? paganism? or... Messiah? Faith? Trust? and the Gospel? You only have one life to make the difference in eternity. How much of it do you live for the Master Artist? How much do you keep from Him? I hope that tonight, and this morning, as you ponder the New Year, or celebrate it, that you would take the time to get on your knees or say a silent prayer to the Lord. Ask Him to be the most important thing in your life, the most wonderful thing, and to fill you up. Change...this is what a lot of people think about on the New Year. You have the opportunity to change every day. God's Grace is sufficient for you. I pray you will give God, what He asks of You, or has been asking of You. Don't ever be afraid to give to God something that He asks of You. He will never take what He will not give back better than you imagined. I pray if you have not; that you would ask God to fill you this year. To fill your heart, to satisfy your heart. Ask Him, believe He will, and receive of the Lord. I pray that you my sisters and brothers would be filled with more faith this year. May your faith abound, may your love expand, and may God soften your hearts and minds and wills to follow Him without hesitation. I pray that for you fellow art-istic folk, that God would shine through your lives. That you would be filled with passion, that you would recognize and truly become more inspired by the Life and Sacrifice of Christ. I pray this year that you would know even more what life is truly about. It's about knowing the Master, and being filled with His passion to work for His purpose. He loves you. I pray this year, and that every day, the love in your hearts for Christ would grow. This is the important thing. Because if you know Him, You love Him. And if You Love Him...You will be an artist after "GOD's" own heart! The love of God inspires that best things in life; unselfish love for others, and a humble service to mankind. The Best artist is inspired by something bigger than his/or herself. The best artists are vessels, the best artists serve. Follow Christ's example. He is the best Artist, the best Master, and His life is the most amazing ever to walk the earth. God is God. Remember that this 2012. Put Him as your focus. He is your hope for change, and the giver of all things 'best'. Glory be to Him!

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