
Thursday, May 3, 2012

My Idea: A New Web Site ~ Please Comment ;-)

O.k! Soo. As I have already mentioned in a previous blog post; I have this super idea 'weighing' on me ;) You ready to hear what it is? *drum roll*

Alright. I would like to make a web site for Artists. Sounds a bit mundane? Let me explain to you why I think it would be amazing. It's a site for Christian Artists of all, mediums, experience...aspiring artists, young artists...etc...To come together and

1. Connect with other Christian Artists...those who live near 'and' far :P
2. Encourage each other in Christ Centered Creativity
3. Inspire each other to Create with beauty
4. To collaborate each others skills and talents, and make amazing projects
5. And last, but not least...and a big thing that inspired me in the first place\
'To further God's kingdom, by sticking our heads out of our 'own creative worlds'
and making a mark on the world, the enternet, our communities, and even participate
in building up the body of Christ)  in Christ Centered Creativity! Whoot! ;-)

O.k. So for what reasons do I think this would be beneficial as well as super cool?

1. For me as well as fellow Christian Artists and craftsmen to join together.
I think it is easy for us creative people to forget that we are 'not' alone in our creativity.
We tend to either think that we are different from the mundane 'rest of the world' hehe,
or we forget as other brethren in Christ, that we need each other, and that there 'are' other
Artists who want to keep Christ Centered in their Creativity!

20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”  ~ Matthew 18:20

 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. ~Heb 10:24-25

The Bible even mentions quite a few times about Creavitiy, that invloved
skilled, artistic, believers -collaborating for the greater good, and for the purpose of building
God's 'temple' or in our case 'futhering the kingdom of God' (spreding the good news).
Exodus 35: 31 and 36:1
31And he hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship;
1So Bezalel, Oholiab and every skilled person to whom the Lord has given skill and ability to know how to carry out all the work of constructing the sanctuary are to do the work just as the Lord has commanded.”

2.Together we can encourage each other in our creativity. Not only encourage/uplift each other in Christ...but (possibly even help broaden and perfect our creative abilities). I also think this would be a great site to keep each other accountable, and Christ Centered in our creativity. Us Artists have a tendency to stray, and get caught up in the art of this world, or just in 'our own creativity' that we forget that what God has given us is to be shared! even with our fellow brethren in Christ!

The Artist has a GREAT purpose. But sometimes it is easy to forget what that truly is, and/or become selfish or 'self centered' in our creativity. Creativity is not supposed to be kept to a 'one man' or 'self' status...Creativity is the most beautiful when it is a collaboration, when it is a project of more than one, when everyone uses their talents and joins in to worship, or serve the Creator of the Universe.

12The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body.....20As it is, there are many parts, but one body.  ~ 1 Cor 12

3. We can encourage each other to create with true beauty in mind. And not to get caught up in the 'crazy art' of this world, or get bogged down with the lies or darkness of the evil one. We can encourage each other to keep the Light as our guide, and help dance each other out of the dark places in our lives, that shows in our artwork. To keep beauty in mind, to keep Christ on the throne or our hearts, and not let self centeredness, (the ugliness of sin, or the Enemies lies and temptation rule over us) And the truth shall set us free! John 8:32
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. 3If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else...Galatians 6:3-4

4. Collaboration is amazing. I love it. I desire it. I know that there are some of us who like to create more on our owns, inspired by own personal thoughts...I'm more the type of person who likes to create, but in order to truly create something of worth or purpose I usually desire or need to be inspired by another person or their personal 'need' (either for encouragement etc.)
Creativity is part of my ministry. And that when I am most inspired to create... and that is when God uses my creativity the most... when I am calling out to Him, or I am motivated by another person's need or out of thought of them and what they like haha.
I thrive in the atmosphere of collaboration. I really appreciate other peoples art and talents, and love to see God working through them. Even when people do not realize that they have a gift, or are stubborn in their use of it for personal gain, I like to remind them that they have something special 'not' to be kept by their own 'mastery'. God is the giver of all good things. Let us glorify Him!

5. I observe, and I admit...we Artists have a tendency for selfishness. You're probably thinking right now if you are an Artist 'No we don't, I'm not selfish' lol, but Hey! I'm not saying 'your' selfish...I'm just saying that a good majority of us Artists have to fight selfishness, or seem to default to selfishness...'Because' there are not other artists around them encouraging us to step out of our comfort zones, or there is no 'Purpose'. Where there is no vision the people perish ~ Prov 29:18  or in the Artist's case 'Where there is no vision (greater purpose/goal) the the Artist hermits,( introverts), and where there is no vision for the Artist, the people get deprived...either deprived of good, strong, beautiful art...or most importantly, deprived of the message behind the art. And this is where we have so much 'bad' art leading and influencing society, because some of us Christians are not joining together for Christ, and to proclaim the good news! (share the Gospel reference)
Satan and his demons gather together for his purposes. We need to re-attach ourselves to God, trust 'His' leading, surrender to Him, and gather with other Christian Artists for the greater purpose, and greater good.
And I'm not saying that we need to get with other artists now and start grafting on the billboards, or go paint giant paintings to get people to come to Christ...this site is actually a bit different in the sense that I would like for it to be a site that just encourages us to keep connected, encouraged, focused on Jesus Christ/ and in our Creativity...And, to collaborate on 'small' projects (even if just to start out with) Cause, who knows where God can take his Artists ;-)

For Example: I have a few Artistic friends, most of which want to start using their talents for a bigger purpose; to glorify Christ.
What I want to do with this site, is to put up little challenges - to inspire us to start creating (or in some cases 'continue' creating) with Christ as the center. Like I think it would be cool, to paste up a scripture verse (nothing too lengthy) and ask the Artists to think about what it means to them, and paint something, write a song, write a poem, draw something, make a short video, based off of the scripture.

And I know. I really do know. That life is SUPER busy. And you might ask 'is there really any time in our artistic lives for a site like this?' And I want to say; 'yes'.
You see, not to mention  whether we recognize it or not, us really 'creative folks' and 'Artists' seem to always be creating, or else we 'want' to be lol. What I think we need to do, is refocus our creative priorities, and ask ourselves what is the most important thing in my creative life? Is it just painting little trifles to pass the time? Is it just writing songs about 'me' and 'my personal desires'? 'How am I using my creativity for the better good"? and 'How can I start using it for a greater purpose than my own personal enjoyment and actually start glorifying God with it more?'
I'm not saying we cant ever use our creativity just for our own enjoyment and recreation at times, but what we need to realize is that unless we start moving beyond that, we will be caging in our creativity from truly soaring. This site would just be practice for that as well.
We need to start giving more thought to our creative time. Yes, we love the fact that creativity is free, and we do not have to have tons of personal boundaries, but honestly unless we learn to tone it down to focus on 'what really matters' we will not use it for the best of it's ability.

I think this site can help us do that. But, I don't want you readers to think it would only be limited to collaborating. Although I think it would be a blessing for us to start sharing our creativity with others inside our artistic commnities, and outside them ;) I want you to know, that this would not be an 'obligation'. I would want Artists to join even if you think you wouldn't be able to collaborate, or contribute at all. Let's encourage eachother in Christ Centered Creativity. Keep if fun - but also to 'go hard' ( for Christ's purpose) 'not waste' ( our talents/gifts) and 'keep real'! (and true in our creativity)

So, what do you think? What are you questions? What are your thoughts? Would you enjoy something like this? Do you think it would be a personal benifit? Would you join the Creative round table for Christ?

Let me know! I 'need' your feeback.

Plus, I need your creativity :P If this idea is a runner, then I could always use some recommendations for site service, or help putting something like this together.

God Bless! Please leave a comment bellow with your thoughts. :)
~ AJ.