
Saturday, July 23, 2011

What's your Drug?

If you don't go to Christ with your trials, questions, hopes, dreams, relationships...
you will go with them to something else, whether that be another person, another
filler, another outlet. But really there are only two all consuming sources for you
to choose from. 1. Christ. 2. The World.
Which one will you choose to go to? I see a lot of technology as just escapism,
escapism from reality, and a distraction from God. You see Technology has
become an outlet/addiction that many people go to just like they go to shopping,
alcahol, etc. The worst thing about addictions is not always the 'thing in it's self'
but the reason why you are doing it, and if/how that seperates you from God himself.
Everyone has an outlet though, everyone has a way they outlet their emotions,
express themselves, and most of the time that is in a form of art. That isn't bad.
And art is not bad...but, it can be if it seperates you from 'going to God', and
 instead makesyou 'go to it' than it has become bad, and should be considered just
 as any other addiction.You see, unless we find balance and have prospective than
 we will never live free as we were meant to be.
I see this in art, in relationships, actually or anything that we continue to go to and
outlet or snuff our feelings. There is this girl at one of the youth groups I go to
she's not the only one, but she is addicted to smoking. But I don't think it's just
because it's the fact that cigaretes are addictive, but that she is doing to because
 of the emotions she is pushing down insdie of her. She can't sit for long in youth
 group,she starts to sink down on the couch while the leader is speaking, and
 before long she starts to shift, shake, and before long whimper for her addiction.
 She is seriouslyaddicted. Because she has made it a habit of going to smoke
 insteadof going to God... Technology can be the same thing..that instead of going
to God with everything, you go to technology, facebook, chat, even blogging...

But you see, Facebook won't solve your lonliness, and blogging can only release
 typedideas, it can't settle the feelings you have inside, it can''t bring you peace of
 mind, or even closer relationship with Christ.
So what is your drug? is it friends? is it art? Do you go to these things just to
 outletemotions, or in order to make the pain less painful?  It won't heal it!
 It won't 'solve' it!Only God can! Go to Him! He's waiting. And when you go to
 him,with your dreams,with your hopes, with your relationships, with your future,
withyour emotions,with everything...Then and only then, will you begin to live the
 life you want to live. Here'sthe flip side.The cool thing though is you don't have
 to go to go just with a verbal prayer, you can go to God with your artistic talents
/giftts. For example yesterday I went to a youth group and for worship- we were
 each given a piece of large paper to either paint,
 draw, or write on. Just like in singing, or playing an instrument you can call out to
 God and express your feelings before Him with art...but don't just go to the
 'art' itself to fill or heal you, go before the Ultimate Artist, God. So Go to him with
 your talents, your art, your gifts...
God can supply all good things in your life, but only if He is first in your life.
He loves you, he made you, and he wants the best for You. Trust it! and go!

Jesus is my Drug.
I surrender To Jesus.


  1. First off this was an awesome post. Second I completely agree with you on art being addictive. It can be used as a gift only if it is kept in its rightful place, as soon as it takes lead over Him things get blown out of proportion.
    Keep it Up.

  2. Thank you! (I don't know why I didn't ever realize this comment was here till now) It's always great to come across those who agree with you ;) It makes 'standing strong' all that more easy!
