
Monday, January 30, 2012

The Soul Longeth After You: The Purpose of the Artist

So many things to do, so many things to accomplish...But it seems I keep coming back to You. The more I do, and the more I strive, the more I realize my refuge is in your eyes. I feel it pulling on my soul, I feel the longing, and the desire.

Mark 8:36 ~ For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

What is our spiritual profit it we aim only to do thing in themselves? We can never find inner fulfillment in our art, in our accomplishments, in our work if they are a central focus. Only God can give purpose to life, for He is the only thing worth living for.

I praise Him for we are wonderfully made. All with gifts, and talents to proclaim His wonder.

O Lord, there is nothing more awesome that You. And what meaning has life without 'Your' work? Surely, all is vanity without You. Come Lord breathe upon us with your Spirit. Guide us, and use us for Your will.

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Ever feel a longing for something bigger than yourself? Something you know you must have in order to be alive inside? Ever feel like there is some purpose calling you?  That perhaps there is more of a use for your gifts than just using them for yourself? Ever wonder what the purpose is in your art?

Maybe you do feel the urge inside. And I think any artist who has ever painted their heart out on canvas, or lost themselves (even if for a moment) in their craft...they know there is some door waiting to be opened, some purpose in their art, greater than just an expression of their emotions.

You see man has these natural instincts, and his imagination can soar beyond this earth. Some may say that imagination has no real purpose, or weight to it, because there is no other life more wonderful, and no higher being so marvelous as we can imagine. This is not true. I believe we were all made to proclaim the glory of an Awesome God. A God who is larger than the universe, and yet personal enough to guide man individually and be His friend.

We have been taught that that man creates his own world, and what he creates is the extent of the beauty and wonder within. This is also a misconception. The humanistic mindset of this current world, and impression on the artist mind, is very drear indeed. I think that a lot of artists believe this lie though. A lot of them subconsciously live it out. I fear for them, because I believe that while they think they are creating their own 'reality' they are really creating their own 'trap'.

Man is getting caught up in Counterfeit Reality. Creativity without a strong faith based in Christ, a good world view, and a true sense of reality, can be extremely dangerous. The creative/artistic man has a choice, either to seek God and to find Him and humble his heart to follow what will ultimately, fill it; or he will choice vanity and pursue a life of 'control over his own life', which will lead him to a destiny of emptiness and creative destruction.

But the fact is, man longs for more. He knows there is a purpose for his gift, but he does no know what. The artist's soul thirsts for a waters of inspiration, and longs for a chance to change his world. In a sense the Artist has an instinct to do great things with his or her art.
Because first of all, 'art' is made to be seen, hear, and appreciated. Art is not something that should hide it's self away never to be admired. Art that is not admired, observed, experienced, is abused art, because art is meant to touch the seer, listener etc..If art does not 'touch' or 'avoke', whether thoughts, emotions, or is not art.

Either you create for your own eyes, for the eyes of others, or for God...And it is possible to do all of the above, in an honorable and God honoring way. But the fact is 'art' is an expression of something more than the medium used. It is more than that. "Artists are Prophets of Their view of the World around them". I think it's kind of silly when a artistic person says that "they are not a preacher" or that "they are not qualified or created with the gift to preach the gospel"; they may not in the sense of speech and verbal sermons, but that does not make them any less qualified or designed. Because most artist's don't know is; they are prophets through their art.

Every soul, and almost especially the 'creative soul' ;) longs for something to be inspired by, and to wrap their creativity around. But without Jesus, and the hope and new purpose that He brings/stirs, the Artist paints the ugliness and hopelessness of what he or she observes and knows to be true around them. The World inspires that work of the Artist without Christ, and not always in a showy,flashy, way. Without the hope and purpose in Christ, the Artist creates and proclaims the darkness around him or her; he paints a picture of the hopelessness, the sins of humanity, the self focused, eternity lacking, world that he knows.

Because you see, Artists are Prophets. Their worldviews fill the archives of the earth, their creations conform civilizations, their poems revitalize ideals.

Christ is the Hope of the Artist. Artists are extremely important, because what they create is what effects society and what changes the world around them. Look at a civilization and an empire, and you will see that what lasts of their ruins is not pools of thoughts, but their art, and it is by their art that we can define and better understand them.

Imagine what would be left of most of present day America? Streets of high buildings, and sidewalks of graffiti, the messages of desire, lust, and hopelessness crying out from what's left behind. Shelves of movies that survive to tell of a culture of rebellion and unfulfilled longing; of kids pushed aside, cursing at their parents, or teens who feel an apathy for life, of adults who live lives 'gaining the whole world', and yet fall into deep depression, because it never can fill or save their souls...

The Soul was created for more. Preachers and teachers have talked about the longing man has inside, the longing for something bigger than himself, something that will liberate him, something that will comfort him, something that will save him, and inspire him...But yet, a lot of people who claim to be 'Christians' who 'believe in God' continue on being inspired by a humanistic worldview.
The not only strive on their own, for their own, but they 'want' to.

A lot of Christians who are Artists. Believe in the reality of God. But still believe a lot of the lies they've been told by the World. They're hearts beat to a world focused, offense focused, or self focused beat, and they can never do enough, be enough, or create enough, to satisfy their souls.

We weren't meant to satisfy our own souls. Matter of fact, nothing was meant to satisfy our souls but God himself. The worst thing for a person not to ever feel the 'symptoms' of longing. The need is always there, but the person has decided that they don't want God, His will, or His inspiration, and instead want to live for himself, or a worldly view on art.

God can knock, but He does not invade most times. It makes me think of the the rich man who came to Christ when He was on earth. He asked Him 'What must I do to inherit the kingdom of God', First Christ told him that He must keep his commandments, and the rich man said "I've have done so all my life", and then Christ told him to sell all he had, give it to the poor, and follow Him'. The rich man had much, and unwilling to do so, He turned and walked away. So the Lord said "Easier is it for a Camel go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven".

Even so, a person may believe in God, but He is not always willing to give up his idea of 'fulfillment' and lay down his ambition for worldly approval. The rich man's riches meant too much for him to give up, his position, his life was too great to give up, it is possible He walked away thinking "Surely, he doesn't mean give it all up?"

There are some tempting and consuming aspects of the World and it's offers that sometimes hinders God's children from coming to Him. Unless a man is willing to let humble himself before God and truly believe and realizes that nothing can fill him up, unless he seeks God, and unless his longing for God exceeds that the longing for the World...He will never fulfill his destiny as an Artist.

The World's call and purpose for the Artist is second dibs to God's Calling.  Don't settle for less than you were made. Only in Christ can you look in the mirror and know that there is more than what you see, only in Christ can you see life as meaningful, and appreciate the hope of eternity. God breathed into man, and then became his creation in order to save them. He died and rose again. He's all powerful and yet He will reach down to hold Your hand.

I pray that You find your inspiration in Christ. That He will lead You by His Spirit of Truth. That your Art may not just proclaim your own fleshly desires, or the will of the world, but instead the truth of the Word and  'The greatest Story ever told'. May God be the heart of your Art. May You find Him as the most awesome inspiration of your life...Fall in love with Him, and you will 'live for Him'.
Don't let the temptress of the World steal your gift. If you love her, you will 'live for her', and her end is the way of destruction. Do not let the temptation of 'glorification of self' consume your gift. If you love yourself more than anything, you will miss out on your calling to do big things with your gifts and talents. 

May Your Soul longeth after the Lord.

As the Deer longs for streams of water, so I long for You. - Ps 42:1 NIV
(As the Deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee...

What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?
Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Whoever therefore shall be ashamed of Me and my words in this generation; of him
also shall the Son of Man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of His Father with
the holy angels. ~ Mark 8:36-38

My Soul longs for, You Lord, in a dry and weary land.
Let it Rain. Open up, open up, open up the flood gates.

Pour out Your Spirit on Me.
God of all, may You inspire Me.

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